Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 2011

I hope 2011 is a whole lot better than 2010.

I have a great many things that I am thankful for. Just saying.

H/T John Miller's blog

Monday, December 27, 2010

My Favorite Christmas Present

Don't tell THE BOSS. Flying jihadi for Christmas. Yowzers.

H/T Weasel Zippers

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Unemployment then and now

Well, even if we count "created or saved", it ain't worth bupkiss. Obama isn't going to like this. Heritage has a good graph comparing the change in the unemployment rates coming out of our current recession vs the 1981 recession. You know, the one back there with Reagan as President -- right after the prime rate was at 18 percent. (I remember it well.)

Anyway, Reagan's tax cuts got us out of recession and lowered the unemployment rate by 3 percentage points. Under Obama, the unemployment rate has gone UP. The no-good S.O.B. can't save a dogcatcher's job.

We need to really cut taxes...not just extend current tax rates. And yes, Joe, it is a big effing deal.

H/T Moonbattery and

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


They flogged a girl to death today...and Islam is the religion of peace?

H/T Brutally Honest

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Healthy, Wealthy and...Rise?

This freaking guy is awesome. I'm a mapping guy, and I wish I could visualize this kind of genius.

I swear...he's the smartest guy on the planet.
What? You've never heard of Hans Rosling?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lebanon -- In Vino Veritas?

I was very ... well, interested ... today when I saw the story about the world's largest wine glass. Sure, I like a glass of wine now and then. And a big ole glass of Chateau Margaux might have caused me to jump in and start drinking.

But...a story about cheap wine in Lebanon? LEBANON? Are you freaking kidding me?

We should have dropped a few JDAM's on these morons. I mean, don't we have more important things to deal with in Lebanon than a big glass of wine? Screw these people...bomb 'em back to the stone age.

H/T Sky News

Friday, October 29, 2010

JOBS? Obama wants to create JOBS in YEMEN?

Language alert:

Here's President F***stick on how to prevent terrorism in Yemen.

Yeah, right.

You wanna create jobs? Nuke the damn place, and hire a bunch of nuclear engineers to make new bombs. Then hire a bunch of unemployed bricklayers and cement workers to rebuild roads and buildings in Yemen. Make sure all the damn buildings have air conditioning, and I might even go there for vacation (with my favorite H&K by by my side).

Mark my words...this damn Obama is gonna get us blown up. And it gives me no pleasure in predicting that.

Monday, October 04, 2010

White Sheet or Burka?

Paul Krugman (referred to as Mr. Excrement in our house) writes in the NYTimes:

A note to Tea Party activists: This is not the movie you think it is. You probably imagine that you’re starring in “The Birth of a Nation,” but you’re actually just extras in a remake of “Citizen Kane.”

This is a reference to the Ku Klux Klan -- "The Birth of a Nation" depicts the Klan as the good guys. Despicable.

As bad as this is, it got a laugh out of THE BOSS. When I read that comment out loud to her, her immediate reaction was,
"If it's a choice between a white sheet or a burka, I'll take the sheet and accept being called a racist. Hell, Obama and the left already think I'm a racist because I won't bow to that b****** in the White House".
My wife -- I think I'll keep her.

H/T Creative Minority and Weasel Zippers

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

General punks Obama

"'s my 6-page, single-spaced plan to win."

Freaking Obama.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Multicam -- Better?

Huh. I wonder...

I wonder whether Multicam would work better.

Don't get me wrong, I'm being a smart-ass, and it's not their choice of pattern.
But damn...these guys don't blend in too well, do they?

H/T for the pic.
U.S. Army photo by Spc. Joshua Grenier

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What's the Gun For, Anyway?

There's a serious point here. I'm in Wisconsin, one of only 2 states that does not allow concealed carry (care to guess the other one?*). So if I'm minding my own business, having a coffee at Barnes & Noble, and a nutjob jihadi comes in with a gun and starts shooting the place up, how am I supposed to stop him? Throw a copy of Rules for Radicals at him? At least in Texas, we had Concealed Carry Permits and bad guys could be met with lead poisoning. Just how in the hell does Russ Feingold expect me to protect THE BOSS in a case like this?

Sigh. At least Feingold will be gone after the November elections.

Sorry, don't recall where I got this.
If you know, leave a comment and I'll attribute.

* Barry's adopted home state, of course. Illinois.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Flying Jihadi

Kinda matches the roof backflip from the previous post.

I prefer my tax dollars being spent this way.

H/T Weasel Zippers

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Raising the Roof

Your tax dollars at work.

I love the backflip. That weapon should be named the Backflip Bomb.

H/T Viral Footage

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

US Army Golden Knights

The young man got to jump with the US Army Golden Knights 2 weeks ago. I still think he's nuts, but hey, guess he takes after his mom and not me. Just kidding, dear.

Great air guitar there, youngster. You waited your whole life for that pic. Hehe.

More pics and video here.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bob Beckel...class idiot

I never have liked him, but I usually wanted to hear what he said, mainly because we could learn what the Democraps were thinking. No more.

He actually said that at some point, "we are gonna have to get over 9/11".

I would like to punch his fat ass if I am ever within arm's reach of him.
Dumb-ass starts at 2:30.


H/T Weazel Zippers

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Guns Protect us from the Legislature

No comment needed by me...she said it all.

H/T New Zeal

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

We the People

Pass it on...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

WTF is David Cameron Smoking?

British Prime Minister Cameron said this in Turkey:

I know that Gaza has led to real strains in Turkey ’s relationship with Israel. But Turkey is a friend of Israel. And I urge Turkey, and Israel, not to give up on that friendship. Let me be clear. The Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla was completely unacceptable. And I have told PM Netanyahu, we will expect the Israeli inquiry to be swift, transparent and rigorous. Let me also be clear that the situation in Gaza has to change. Humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions. Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp. But as, hopefully, we move in the coming weeks to direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians so it’s Turkey that can make the case for peace and Turkey that can help to press the parties to come together, and point the way to a just and viable solution. (Emphasis mine.)
Uh-huh. What a moron.

How would he like it if Reagan had said, "The attack on the Falklands by British forces was completely unacceptable"?

This guy is a doofus.

H/T Peter Wehner in Commentary

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Our first vacation in over 5 years. At the lake, no less. At least it's only 75 here today.

Crystal-clear water.

Nothing like a good book on vacation...that's the moon coming up.

One day past full moon.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Mosque at Ground Zero? NO!!

Damn right. No way this should be approved.

Nuke Islam.

H/T National Republican Trust

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Gov Jan Brewer vs Obama-lama-ding-dong

God Bless Jan Brewer. She's taking the fight to Obama.

He's in an ass-kicking contest and he's a girl! Love it.

H/T Gateway Pundit

Friday, June 25, 2010

Not Just a Few Bad Men

With apologies to Tom Cruise...

H/T Shout First, Ask Questions Later

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New USAF Trainer - Nostalgia Alert

Saw this article by Steve Trimble over at The DEW Line.

The Air Force is looking to replace the T-38 Talon as their main training jet. I have fond memories of this aircraft - not because I flew it, but because we spent so many hours watching them do touch-and-gos. Primary training in the T-38 is done at Randolph AFB in San Antonio. There is also an auxiliary landing strip in Seguin, TX, 22.8 miles east of Randolph. We used to float in the Guadalupe River at the end of the runway in Seguin (home of the World's Largest Pecan), drink beer, and watch these guys (no gals back then -- this was the 70's) do touch-and-gos. Nothing finer than drinking beer and breathing JP4 as it's poured out of the afterburner of a T-38.

Ah, takes me back. The old man would be proud. Course, he never flew T-38's. Props and T-33's.

H/T The Dew Line

Monday, June 21, 2010

Spend and (Not) Hire

Over at The Corner, Veronique de Rugy shows us this chart:

Now, there is a lag effect between spending and hiring, but I think this tells us all we need to know when we are asked to support the Democrats and their desire to spend another $150 billion to shore up teachers' jobs.

One of our best friend's daughter is a her second year. She was laid off at the end of May. That's pretty bad. But she now has 2 offers and she's going to have a job in September. As she says, "I don't want that's just my salary being taken away from me as taxes and given to someone else who can't compete with me for a job".

From the mouths of babes...

H/T The Corner

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cover the Earth - not just a paint slogan

This one hurts.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Uncle Bam

I'm not even going to comment on what Prez Zero said tonight.

Well, ok, one comment. When he said we had run out of places to drill, he was lying. Hell, they can drill in my backyard. But seriously, the reasons BP is drilling in the deep-water Gulf are a) that's where they could get permits to drill, and b) that's where the oil is. DUH.

I'm beginning to think this moron is a Muslim plant who's driving the US broke on purpose.

Nah, could't be. Could it?

H/T Moonbattery

Monday, June 14, 2010

Worst Oil Spills from History



We [THE BOSS and I] have made the decision to buy ONLY BP gas until this entire episode is completed. We do this for several reasons:

1. I want BP around to pay for the cleanup.
2. If Obama has his way, he'll make so many demands on BP that they will have to declare bankruptcy.
3. Which then means the US taxpayer will be on the hook for the cleanup.
4. Which means my damn taxes are going to go up further.
5. I gotta buy gas somewhere.

All because Obama wants to jawbone BP instead of throwing all available assets toward containing the spilled oil. Why won't he "lead from the front" and donate all those big-ole Michelle Obama, that's miles and miles of material. Sorry, could help myself. Her butt is bigger than mine (and that's going some).

So by buying BP gas, we are providing revenue for spill cleanup, keeping the stock price of BP from collapsing (which protects retirement accounts which are invested in BP stock), and assuring that there will be revenue from BP to pay the claims that will come.

Just ask Gov Jindal if the gov't and BP are doing all they can and have been on top of this "from day one".

I'm frankly surprised that BP hasn't filed bankruptcy yet. They have a very large (and as of now unlimited) liability. But I suspect if we put a pencil to paper now and just figure out the costs of cleanup and the lawsuits from folks who have lost their jobs, the total (in round figures) would exceed the assets of the entire BP company. It's coming -- mark my words. Every day oil continues to leak increases the possibility of a bankruptcy filing.

Sigh. Why don't we offer $10 an hour to folks to cleanup the spill...and take the unemployment rate back to 5%? If we're going to take money from BP, let's at least put folks to work with it. Or is all that money going to flow to SEIU-backed union members only?

Oh, and while I'm ranting, can't we nuke the damn oil well, as the Russians did several times? And if we're going to use a few nukes, let's use a few in Afghanistan, please. Bomb em back to the stone age.

US ARMY's Birthday

Happy birthday to the US Army.

To Maj Scott, who's on active duty protecting our butts,
and to all those retired guys (Danny, Chuck, Nate +++),


Friday, June 11, 2010

Flying Jihadis -- more more more

More Flying Jihadis from WZ:

Love it. No magic carpet needed.

H/T Weasel Zippers

New Jersey Jihad suspects denied bail

Now I ask you...if one of these good-looking, well-groomed young THUGS lived next door to you, wouldn't you be a tad bit suspicious? That guy on the right looks like the killer from the movie GHOST. Heh.

Good thing we caught these fools. Looks like they've already gotten a beating.

H/T Weasel Zippers

Taliban Terror Tactics -- Part 2

If you didn't agree with me before, what say you now?

Taliban militants have executed a seven-year-old boy they accused of being a spy, it emerged today.

The child was abducted from his home and taken to a neighboring village where he was put on trial.
His captors found him guilty of working for the government.

The child was then hanged in public in the village of Heratiyan, in the southern Sangin district of Helmand province.

Afghanistan's president Hamid Karzai condemned the act as a 'crime against humanity' if proved and said officials were investigating.
Nuke 'em.

H/T Blackfive

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Taliban Terror Tactics - HIV and Needles

Taliban fighters are burying dirty needles with their bombs in a bid to infect British troops with HIV, The Sun can reveal. Hypodermic syringes are hidden below the surface pointing upwards to prick bomb squad experts as they hunt for devices. The heroin needles are feared to be contaminated with hepatitis and HIV. And if the bomb goes off, the needles become deadly flying shrapnel.

The tactic, used in the Afghan badlands of Helmand, was exposed by Tory MP and ex-Army officer Patrick Mercer. Senior backbencher Mr Mercer said yesterday: "Are there no depths to which these people will stoop? This is the definition of a dirty war." Razor blades are also being used. All Royal Engineer and Royal Logistic Corps bomb search teams have been issued with protective Kevlar gloves.
It is now time to pull out and nuke the whole place. We can then rescue Waterford from bankruptcy and give them all the free glass they can pick out of what's left. And we can drill our own damn wells in whatever oilfields are left.

I mean it...nuke the whole damn place. Obama wants to get rid of our nukes? Fine...use a bunch of em. Dig Osama bin Laden out of the caves by flattening all of the mountains. Make the whole place a skating rink.

New bumper sticker:


This is from an entry at The Corner by Andy McCarthy, quoting the SUN in London (with H/T to Steve Emerson).

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Honor the Flag

I loath those who disrespect the flag. I'm the neighborhood boor on flag etiquette and The Flag Code. I appreciate the fact that my neighbors come and ask me when and how to fly the flag. I recently called the Milwaukee Airport manager and asked her about a large flag displayed there. I think it's wrong, but their explanation conforms to the code.

I grew up in a much different time, it seems. See the picture. I agree.

H/T American Digest

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Tipper gives the boot to the Goracle

Want to bet who gets the $8mm house in California?

Larry Sabato's twitter:
Could anyone have guessed that the Clintons' marriage would last longer than the Gores'?
H/T Outside the Beltway

Where's the Money Coming From?

Excellent video. I might ask the same questions about my credit card debt. Ahem.

H/T The Corner and YouTube

Memorial Day 2010

Best set of pictures are from Pinch.

Go see them all.

H/T Pinch

Monday, May 31, 2010

Israel, Gaza, and "Peace blockade-runners"

All I have to say is, if the NORKS can get away with torpedoing a freaking South Korean ship, why can't the Isrealis get away with defending themselves while they stop a bunch of fake "relief-workers" from running a blockade that the entire world knows is in place?

If you ask me, they should have sunk the damn ships and blamed it on Kim Jong-il.

And Obama can kiss my ass for criticizing the Israeli action.
Too bad he wasn't hit by lightning. Prick.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Here's yer sign

I'd love to put this one up at the end of the driveway for the Census workers.
Just kidding. I think.

H/T Theo Spark

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thomas Friedman: Sharp as a...grapefruit

This is probably the dumbest person in America...including the folks in LA who want to boycott Arizona.

Whack-a-doodle Friedman has a column in today's New York Times. First line:
President Obama’s handling of the gulf oil spill has been disappointing.
Duh. That's as dumb as saying that a "$1-a-gallon Patriot Tax on gasoline" would slow climate change. Oops, he said that, too.

To make things worse, Friedman equates the oil spill with 9-11, and says Obama's reaction is as bad as Bush was in handling the aftermath of that terrible Sept day.

I have news for you, anus-breath. We were attacked on 9-11, and Bush went out of his way to kick some ass, find out who did it, and go free millions of people. Obama? He's simply said the oil companies should do more. Gee, thanks, moron.

What a pair of dumb-asses -- both Friedman and Obama.

H/T The Corner

Fred Thompson - Class Act

I have always liked Fred Thompson. Part of it is his Southern mannerisms...they reflect those that I was raised with and aspired to. Saying "sir" and "ma'am" (except to Boxer, who I'd call "bitch") were drilled into me. I'm over 50 and I still say "yes, sir" and "yes, ma'am" to those that are 30 years younger than I am. It's just how I was raised.

This, in my opinion, will go down in history as a classic Fred quote:
On Neil Cavuto yesterday: "Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said he "misspoke about his service" when he said he served in Vietnam, even though he didn't.Ya know it's a shame. It's little stuff like this that gives lying conniving politicians a bad name." [emphasis mine]
That's pretty good. I got a belly laugh out of it. Fred has played military roles in the movies, and he reminds me of Gen Chuck Yeager and COB6...that southern drawl, laconic, always in control, calm in the face of danger, with a healthy dose of humility and self-deprecation tossed in. (Well, humility from COB? Give me a little literary license, you know?) I know part of that is his acting persona, but it is how I think of the man. Class act.

H/T The Corner

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hi, I'm the Head of Homeland Security

And I don't need to read no stinking bills. Obama tells me they're wrong.

This stupid bitch deserves 2 years in we can waterboard her to find out what she knows about plots by illegal immigrants trying to enter the US to kills Americans.

How in the world can this bitch look in the mirror?

H/T Real Clear Politics

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson on Soldiers in Office

(Photo credit: Craig Eisenberg)

I think this guy is the smartest man I've ever read. I don't mean cerebral, although he is. I don't mean keen, although he's certainly that. But he sees things most don't, and can write well about those things. Some people perceive; others write. Rare indeed is the man who does both so well.

Insight through the lens of history...that's the best I can do.
Usually, a handful of ex-soldiers seek political office every election cycle. But well over 20 Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans are running this fall for Congress alone. Almost all are riding a wave of public anger at incumbents over a profligate government and a dishonest Wall Street -- and a general feeling that the current Democratic remedy has proven as bad as, or worse than, the recent Republican disease.

The shenanigans of the previously Republican-controlled Congress -- the “Culture of Corruption” -- simply continued under the Democratic majority, thanks to the likes of Chris Dodd, William Jefferson, Eric Massa, Charles Rangel, and the late John Murtha.

Reform candidate Barack Obama has run up more debt in 15 months than unpopular spendthrift George W. Bush did in eight years. Obama once talked of a new unity, but he has polarized America far more rapidly than did the cowboy-sounding “decider” Bush.

In other words, the public is desperate for civic-minded leaders who are untainted by Washington, but who have a proven record of competent service on behalf of the nation. If they are poor or haven’t held office before -- apparently so much the better.

The current combat-veteran candidates certainly aren’t the usual state legislators or congressional aides ready for career advancement. Neither are they antiwar liberals who flash their national-security credentials, nor one-issue hawks who want more defense spending. They don’t claim that their combat experience guarantees good governance per se -- not after the examples of Murtha or disgraced Republican Duke Cunningham. And they aren’t retired generals used to deference and the spotlight.

So, other than a shared furor at out-of-control spending, government takeovers, and corruption, the 20 or so soldier-citizen candidates are an odd bunch. Some are officers; others are enlisted men. A surprising number were wounded in combat.

The vast majority are running as Republicans and seem to have little if any money. They were not so much preselected by Republican operatives as pushed forward through grassroots and sometimes tea-party support.

In New York’s 20th congressional district, retired Army Col. Chris Gibson -- four deployments to Iraq -- is a Ph.D., a former West Point instructor, and author of a book on civilian-military relations. He received a Purple Heart, and recently served in the Haitian relief effort. Gibson, the warrior scholar, is running on smaller government and lower taxes; his main theme is a call for ethics, accountability, and a return to the notion of the citizen-legislator who works in Washington, rather than works the Washington system.

Other veteran candidates are already well known. In Florida’s 22nd congressional district, decorated retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West was involved in a controversy seven years ago when he purportedly fired a pistol near an Iraqi prisoner who he believed had information regarding a planned ambush of West’s battalion. West has MA degrees in military arts and sciences and in political science, and was wounded a few years ago while serving as a civilian adviser in Afghanistan. His theme also is ostensibly smaller, cleaner government, balanced budgets, strong national security, and lower taxes.

For 30 years after 1865, almost no American could get elected to office without prior Union or Confederate Civil War service. And last century, being a World War II veteran was virtually mandatory for any congressional leader until about 1970.

But Iraq and Afghanistan are seen differently from the collective sacrifice and bipartisan efforts of past wars. Our current veterans usually fought in impossible circumstances, where friend and enemy were sometimes indistinguishable. The aims and means of their mission were often questioned -- with the public as against the difficult later stages of the wars as they once were for their easier beginning stages.

As a result, these veterans are not saying, “Vote for me because I fought for you,” as much as, “Vote me for because I did my duty, even if some in this country questioned why one would.”

We live in a wartime of economic crisis, crushing debt, and endemic political corruption. Rules, obligations, and laws don’t seem to matter. Personal honor is an archaic, fossilized concept.

But suddenly, amid public malaise, dozens of nontraditional soldier-citizens have stepped forward out of the shadows to argue that right now in America, neither money nor incumbency matters as much as civic duty and the old idea of public service. And unlike most of us, they once put their lives on the line to prove just that.

-- Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and editor, most recently, of Makers of Ancient Strategy: From the Persian Wars to the Fall of Rome. ©2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

Link to article here.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Department of the Navy and Marine Corps

The House has voted to rename the Department of the Navy, in order to recognize the contributions of the Marine Corps. I heartily agree that the Marines should receive this long-overdue recognition for their contributions to the safety and, yes, the survival of the United States of America. Barbary pirates were a great threat back in the day, and Marines took care of that sh*t, and how.

So, with no disrespect to my Navy and Marine Corps friends (and my Navy grandfather), I wonder what an appropriate name for the Navy Department would be, considering we're on the way (down) toward a 200-ship Navy. I invite Pinch and Lex, CDR Salamander and SteeljawScribe, among others, to weigh (anchor) in here and comment.

How about:

Department of Little Cheap Ships (LCS)
Dept of Brown-Water Navy and Bad-ass Marines
Dept of WTF are we gonna fly when Super-Hornets give out
Department of Navy, Marines, and Diversity (tribute to CDR Salamander)

Comments welcome.

Marines' Hymn:

“From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country’s battles
On the land as on the sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine.

Our flag’s unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in ev’ry clime and place
Where we could take a gun;
In the snow of far-off Northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes;
You will find us always on the job
The United States Marines

Here’s health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve;
In many a strife we’ve fought for life
And never lost our nerve;
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven’s scenes;
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.”

H/T Fox News Online and The United States Marine Band

Chase 'em out

Only batsh*t crazies and Democrats (not mutually exclusive) opposes the Ariz law.

I like this idea...for any illegal nabbed under the new law...
Give them a one-way bus ticket to San Francisco...see how they like housing them.
--- Rush

H/T Weazel Zippers

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Remember November

We Will Remember from Republican Governors Association on Vimeo.

From the Republican Governors Association

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy San Jacinto Day!

The San Jacinto Monument is 15 feet taller than the Washington Monument.

Remember The Alamo! Remember Goliad!

Today's the day we kicked Santa Anna's ass...April 21, 1836.
Birthdate of the Republic of Texas.

Click here for a link to a hi-resolution battleground map on TAMU website.

Time for a beer. Here's hoping we can have a second birth of the Republic!

H/T The Corner and The San Jacinto Museum of History

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Drop Stupak

We go hunting in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan ("da U.P." for my Texas kin). Unfortunately, we can't vote against Stupak. My brother-in-law does that for me.

The good news is we CAN and DO vote for Paul Ryan.

I like this bumper sticker.

H/T Gateway Pundit

Outrage at Tennessee Congressman's remarks

Oh's a two-fer. THE BOSS is pissed's the video that set her off..

To: Congressman Steve Cohen
Tennessee – Democrat


I recently had the opportunity to listen to your interview on the Young Turks call in radio show.

Sir, I am appalled by the words that came out of your month and outraged at your thought process.

To reference Tea Party members as people "without robes and hoods" and “clones of the George Wallace fan club” to mention a few slurs that you spoke, is by far racist. To say nothing of your arrogance and hate speech towards anyone that does not agree with your views on healthcare.

Sir, you owe the American people a public apology and should be ashamed of yourself. How do you sleep at night? How are you able to able to keep food down with acid indigestion in your stomach?

At the very least you owe me a written apology, for I am personally insulted, hurt and distressed by your words and I am certainly not a racist.

I challenge you to discuss this matter face to face.

As I said: How can we be racists? Some of our best friends are white!

You've gotten on the wrong side of THE BOSS, my friend, and she's going to fax this to your office tomorrow.

H/T Weasel Zippers

Tingles selling BFD T-shirts


As THE BOSS said, "It's not a BFD, it's an STD...they want us all to catch it".

I got a nice laugh at that.

H/T Weasel Zippers

Saturday, April 03, 2010

I Read Blogs...


I read blogs. Some of them are opinions of individuals, some are military, legal or tax related. I try very hard to read these blogs with an open mind and also to understand the other side's point of view. As we all know, knowledge is power; and besides, you never know when you might need a “fact” during a conversation.

On one of the tax blogs I was reading the conclusion of a paper and the last 15 words struck me like a bolt of lightning. I read them 3 times before I thought my head would explode. Here are those 15 words: “the notion that the tax code is founded on basic notions of fairness and uniformity.” The law professor who wrote those 15 words was trying to make the point that all persons need to be treated equally, and currently this one IRC (Internal Revenue Code) does not do that.

Here is how the key word “notion(s)” is defined:
· A belief or opinion.
· A mental image or representation; an idea or conception.
· A fanciful impulse; a whim.

Now let’s take these same 15 words and insert the first definition. It would read “the opinion that the tax code is founded on basic beliefs of fairness and uniformity” or it could be read using the second definition “ the idea that the tax code is founded on the basic concept of fairness and uniformity.”

I know you see where I am going with this. Here are those same 15 words using the third definition: “the whim that the tax code is founded on the basic impulse of fairness and uniformity.” Interesting, but not quite there yet, so let me give it one more try. Here is how it should read: “the opinion that the tax code is founded on the basic whim of fairness and uniformity.”

I like the fourth definition best. It is the correct perspective on the IRS/ IRC. “Why?", you ask? To give you a short answer: “because the IRC is over 75,000 pages long.” The IRS is a machine in the respect that they win 70% to 85% of the cases no matter what strategy the taxpayer takes. They have files, cases of paper and servers full of data to argue the other side. They have more attorney that the largest US Law Firms. Come to think of it, they are the largest US Law Firm!

In 1913 the tax code was 300 pages, moving up to 8,200 pages by 1945. By 1954 there were 14,000 pages, jumping to 67,500 pages by 2008. This is nuts! Today we hover somewhere around 75,000 to 80,000 pages, give or take a thousand.

Let me ask these questions, “How can there be fairness and uniformity?” when the IRS doesn’t even know and understand all 75,000+ pages? “How can the taxpayer get justice when they hire one attorney to go up against the largest law machine in our country?” While the taxpayer is struggling to pay one attorney to file a suit, write motions, research prior cases, the IRS does a data search and out spits a list of cases they’ve won. Reviewing the list, they pick the best ones, cut, copy and paste into a new motion and file it with the court. It cost them cents on the dollar versus the poor taxpayer who is paying hundreds of dollars an hour.

If there is to be fairness and uniformity we need a stepped Flat Tax, one form to fill out and less government with their hands in our pockets.

I married her because she's smarter than I am. So -- what she said!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Oh, I'd love to be an Oscar Mayer WEINER

Just not a Congressman named Weiner.

What a jackass.

It's precisely this kind of chickenshit prevarication that makes my blood boil. We pay these anal orifices a good salary, give them an office and staff, allow them to send us unlimited junk mail -- and they wonder why we don't trust these weasels, er, weiners.