Friday, June 30, 2006

Pelosi Opens the Border Unconditionally

This moron wants us to extend all of our Constitutional and Legal rights to all people, anywhere in the world. She honestly thinks we owe our rights to others, not from this country, who FIRE WEAPONS at our soldiers. Unbelievable. Does this make her a Commie, or a Socialist? Either way, she needs a one-way ticket to Gitmo.

From her press office today, commenting on the Supremes' decision about Gitmo:

June 29, 2006
Brendan Daly/Jennifer Crider

Pelosi Responds to Supreme Court Decision on Guantanamo Military Commissions

Washington, D.C. – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today following the United States Supreme Court decision that trying Guantanamo detainees before military commissions violates U.S. law and the Geneva Conventions:

“Today’s Supreme Court decision reaffirms the American ideal that all are entitled to the basic guarantees of our justice system. This is a triumph for the rule of law.

“The rights ofdue process are among our most cherished liberties, and today’s decision is a rebuke of the Bush Administration’s detainee policiesand a reminder of our responsibility to protect both the American people and our Constitutional rights. We cannot allow the values on which our country was founded to become a casualty in the war on terrorism.”

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