Sunday, November 11, 2007


You know, it's time that the TIMES realizes that the commies have been defeated...and needed to be beaten. They are pining for the days of FDR and JFK. Well, I say, NFW!

Check out this article in the NY TIMES today.

A sample of the foolishness:

In less than seven years, Mr. Bush has managed to boil that list down to its least common denominator: the president should get his choices. At first, Mr. Bush was abetted by a slavish Republican majority that balked at only one major appointment — Harriet Miers for Supreme Court justice, and then only because of doubts that she was far enough to the right.

Well, no. They balked at Miers because she wasn't QUALIFIED for the job...not because she was not "far enough to the right".

We need to waterboard a few of the TIMES folks.

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