Saturday, December 08, 2007

NBC Changes Color, er, direction

From FoxNews:

But in a statement issued Saturday evening, NBC said:

"We have reviewed and changed our ad standards guidelines and made the decision that our policy will apply to content only and not to a referenced Web site. Based on these amended standards the Freedom's Watch ad will begin to run as early as Sunday."

NBC' head of standards and practices, Alan Wurtzel, notified Freedom's Watch's media consultant Saturday by e-mail, writing: "This will confirm that the Freedom's Watch spot is approved for air."

I have received an email from a friend who's high up at GE. Here's what really happened:

1. NBC pulled a bone-headed move and said "no" to running the ads.
2. Jeffrey Immelt called Wurtzel at NBC.
3. Complete text of conversation:
Immelt: Are you a moron? Do you know how much money GE gets from the US Gov't for defense items used in the war? How the hell do you think we stay in business and support a bunch of pinko-losers like you at 30 Rock? Run the damn ads and STFU!
Wurtzel: But...
Immelt: Click

The spirit of Jack Welch is alive and well.

PS. I'll bet Jack called Jeff.

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