Monday, December 17, 2007

Vonage Customer Service - Part 6

The Caller ID issue is still not resolved. As of last Thursday, they closed the trouble ticket and stated that it would take 48 hours for the system to update. We'll it's been a wee bit over 48 hours, so I'm gonna call and find out what the latest excuse it (creeping cynicism, I know).

Called at 11.40am CST. Expected wait time is over 25 minutes. Joy.

I started speaking with a rep at 12.07pm, after a 27 minute hold. Hey, at least their "estimate" of wait time is pretty accurate!

Pretty funny...they can't find the trouble ticket number that I gave them...that they gave ME at the time of the problem. Keystone Kops.

Found the trouble ticket..Now they say that it may take up to 72 hours, and it's only been about 65 hours, so I need to be patient. Oh-kay.

Another try tomorrow. I have a bad feeling about this.

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