Monday, February 25, 2008

5,000 lb bomb in a Red Crescent truck

Over at Jester's Axe, Deebow wants to close GITMO...but first, whack all of the bastards we're keeping there. He's trying to get on my good side. hehe

For the record, I think we should keep GITMO and expand providing a gallows. Hanging them is better than what the Islamic terrorists want to do to us. I have a friend who is currently serving in Mosul. Stay safe, Major!

Multi-National Corps – Iraq
Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory
APO AE 09342

RELEASE No. 20080223-05
February 23, 2008

Coalition forces discover disguised truck-bomb
Multi-National Division – North PAO

MOSUL, Iraq – Coalition forces discovered a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device disguised as a Red Crescent food relief truck in southeastern Mosul Feb. 15.

The truck was labeled with hospital markings but contained eight 55-gallon drums with more than 5,000 pounds of unknown bulk explosives.

The discovery was made during a route clearance operation as part of Operation Phantom Phoenix. Because of the proximity of the VBIED to civilian population, an explosive ordnance disposal team determined the truck would need to be removed from the neighborhood before its destruction.

“A VBIED detonation of this size would kill or injure many innocent civilians. This just shows how ruthless al Qaeda is and their lack of concern for the effect of their operations on the Iraqi people,“ said Lt. Col. Christopher Johnson, commander of 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment.

Here's the link to the original.

H/T The Jester's Axe

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