Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hillary dodges truth, not snipers

This week has been full of news: Obama's defense of his wacko-nutjob pastor, discussions about Superdelegates, the stock market impersonating a yo-yo, etc.

None of us doubts that Hillary lies, and will spin anything she can to win the nomination and the Presidency. I think she's toast, and said so here, when Corvair Nader entered the race. She's a goddamn fraud, and she'll say anything to steal the nomination from Obama (now THERE'S a surprise).

From Hot Air, here's a video of Hillary caught in an absolute lie about visiting Tuzla when she was Worst Lady. This is the same type of outrage as the Army private that lies about his service, and lies about his medals, or the bozo that says he was a SEAL, when he was a cook.

Anyway, watch the video. I have copied the text from Hot Air after the vid.

It shows a clearly confident and unconcerned Hillary Clinton strolling off of her airplane, with a smiling 15-year-old Chelsea in tow, and stopping on the tarmac for the greeting ceremony Hillary claims never took place. Instead of dodging sniper fire from the hills, Hillary stops to listen to a poem from a Bosnian girl, and to thank the girl and embrace her. At no point in this video does Hillary show any sense of danger or haste.

Hillary Clinton lied about Tuzla. She lied about it to make people believe in her qualifications to handle national crises. If she sells her Tuzla greeting as a harrowing encounter with death, what other delusions would she try to sell us as President?

H/T Hot Air

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