Saturday, March 28, 2009

FAA to the Rescue


I've said before that I'm a regular business traveler.

2.6 million miles on Delta
600,000 miles on United
400,000 miles on American
Flown on Braniff, Republic, TTA, Southwest, PSA, Eastern, British Airways, Alitalia -- too many to name.

Flown on DC-6, DC-7, DC-8, DC-9, DC-10, MD-11, B-707, B-717, B-727, B-737, B-747, B-757, B-767, B-777, and a host of smaller RJ's, prob jobs, rubber-band powered jalopies, etc. Convair 240's and 600's were the fun ones on Trans Texas Airways -- nicknamed Tree-Top Airways.

(Picture from Taken at Dallas Love home to Southwest.)

Never had a bird strike...knock on wood.

This story -- that the FAA wants to hide bird-strike info from the public -- is a bunch of crap. More info = better info. And when shit happens, shit happens. You want a professional up there in the pointy-end of the plane when the crap hits the fan - literally.

I particularly enjoy United's policy of allowing passengers to listen to air-to-ground communications. I like to listen to the professionalism, the way they try to avoid weather to increase passenger comfort (not to mention safety), and even once heard a report of a flight of B-2's passing below I was able to look out and see them. Pretty good use of my tax dollars!

Fie on the FAA.

H/T for the pic.

UPDATE: Oh yeah, forgot to mention Muse Air. First no-smoking airline...what a relief that was!

Picture from

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