I'm in Las Vegas at CTIA. This morning's Keynote Address is from none other than the Academy Award-winning slob, Al Gore. And before you ask, hell, no, I won't go.
Note that it's been in the 60's and 70's this week...beautiful golf weather (as you can see outside my hotel window, with Nellis AFB in the distance).
We've seen a few F-15's while we've been here, but no Raptors yet. I keep seeing Janet Air 737's coming in and out of LAS...that's the shuttle over to Area 51.
I'm here with #1 son for the trade show (trust me, dear, I wouldn't take him down to the casino). Oh, no.
But with Big Al in town, what do you think will happen to the weather?
You got it...windy, with gusts over 50 mph (while Al's speaking, obviously).
The Goracle Strikes.
H/T Airliners.net for the 737 pic, and Weather.com for the weather info.
Thanks for the information.....
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