Sunday, November 15, 2009

Polish Air Force Veterans Association WWII

THE BOSS and I are over in Detroit for a few days. I wandered into the American Polish Cultural Club in Troy to grab some take-out pirogis.

Imagine my surprise when I spied a plaque commemorating the Polish Air Force members from WWII! What a great memorial!

Here are two pics...the letters were too small for one.

The Greatest Generation indeed -- including our staunch allies, the Poles.

P.S. THE BOSS' great-parents were Polish - Stupinski.

PPS. Notice that it's not the "Polish-American Cultural Club". I overheard folks talking about the fact that they use this hall to administer the oath of citizenship to Poles who become American citizens.

So if you're ever in Detroit, go by there and pay your respects. These are the types of immigrants we welcome with open arms...hard-working folks who appreciate what American citizenship offers them. And there are no people more proud of becoming American citizens than these Poles (with complete respect to my Italian-American Club friends, who appreciate it just as much).

American Polish Cultural Center
2975 E Maple Rd
Troy, MI 48083

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