Monday, September 10, 2007

Clinton funding Hsu's defense?

I have had two conspiracy ideas in as many days, so I've used up my lifetime quota.

First, is the Chinese government trying to influence the Presidential election? Since so many investigators are pouring over Hsu's finances, and are (so far) unable to explain the source of Hsu's money, there's a fair amount of speculation that the Chinese government is funding him and has now tossed him to the wolves.

Second conspiracy thought: Hillary first announced that she was donating $23,000 of Hsu's contributions to charity. Now comes the headline:

Clinton to Return $850,000 in Donations Raised By Norman Hsu

Notice that Hillary isn't donating the money to charity...she's returning it. Is this a not-so-subtle way for her to fund Hsu's bail money? Why did she not donate this large sum to charity? Hmmm?

Ok, Hsu's not likely to even be offered bail after forfeiting the $2 million when he skipped town. But why are the Clintons sending this money back instead of donating it? Is this the start of the Hsu Defense Fund?

I'm not big on conspiracy theories (I grew up near the Grassy Knoll, and it ain't a sniper's platform). But...this one smells like the Clinton's are being too clever by half. And if you don't think Billy Boy is neck deep in this one, I've got a bridge for you...

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