Thursday, September 06, 2007

Luciano Pavarotti R.I.P.

Here's a surprise: he's my all-time favorite for listening to while driving. There's NO ONE who can hit those high C's with the energy and that distinctive voice.

I first saw Pavarotti in Italy in 1978 while in college there. I also was lucky enough to get tickets to his concert at the Republican Convention in Dallas in 1984. (Aside: What could be more perfect than free drinks, a bunch of Republicans, and Pavarotti?)

I was hooked on him by Louis Bittrich, my English prof (and great friend) and his wife Nancy. Thanks, Doc, for introducing me to a treasure. Nessun Dorma!


Here's another version of Nessun Dorma that's great.

And another...looks like from Rome.


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Louis Bittrich? I LOVE Louis. Do you know where he is? I'm a former student of his.

  2. Shane:

    Nancy and Louis moved to Tennessee when he retired from TLC (I will NOT call it TLU!!).

    You can get a message to them through the Alumni Office in Seguin.

    TLC 1980
