Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Obama and the Black Church
Picture stolen from Moonbattery.
I would like to take this discussion in a little different direction.
Sure, I think Obama screwed the pooch on this whole fiasco. He's toast as far a being an agent of change. Everyone (well, that I know anyway) knows he's just pandering, just admitting enough to try to stay in the race, stay in for the nomination. What -- we're surprised when a politician spins? Puh-LEEZ!
But here's a bigger issue that's bothering me. I have been in black churches before. Not in 25 years, but back in my college days, and for a few years after, I attended a black church in Dallas at the invitation of a couple of friends of mine. Not my style, but pretty cool, looking back on it. A lot of singing, a lot of "amen!", and my first experience of an electric guitar in a church.
But the congregation was not full of moonbats. We were regular people, from all walks of life, singing, dancing, and praying. Again, not really my style, but recognizable to my Lutheran experience.
My issue is -- what's going on in Obama's "black church"? I mean, can black congregations seriously believe 9/11 was in inside job? That AIDS was invented by the government and introduced to kill people of color? That the black congregation must remain loyal above all to "black first". What lunacy is this? That's my reaction.
But then...if these churches really believe these things...doesn't that mean that, for all of our "coming together", all of our fighting "racism"....doesn't it mean we've failed? Because if there is a large number of people that truly believes this...then racism is much bigger NOW than it ever was. Racism is rampant. Doesn't that follow?
And it means that the "black church" is giving lip service to equality. It's almost the reverse of what we in the South have always been accused of...saying we're not racists, but acting racist in private. The "black church" would be doing the same thing. They've be guilty of as large a hypocrisy. They would be giving lip service to getting along, all the while preaching racism against whites.
This would seem to be a big hidden bomb...wouldn't it? It's hidden white racism turned on its head. And how in the world do we face each other at work, at the store, on the playground, at school, if this is TRULY what's being preached and believed in these "black churches".
Commenter after commenter on the talk shows asked black guests, "You don't really believe these vile things being said by Wright, do you?" And you know what...they go out of their way to stumble out an explanation like "Well, you have to put it in context" or "No, I don't believe it, but you can see how people could". I mean, if someone asked me "Do you believe Hitler was right about the Jews?", I'd say "Of course not! Are you nuts?". Why, then, aren't the black church goers, AND OBAMA, saying "This guy is nuts...but we just tune him out". That would be better (not perfect)...better than the equivocation we got today in which Obama said he could no more turn his back on Wright than on the black church.
I tell you what...if our dear Pastor HC said this crazy stuff, we'd take him out for a beer and get his mind right. And if he kept it up...well, we'd commit him to the loony bin. Right, HC?
I mean, this really bothers me. I don't give a damn about Obama...or Hillary. I care about what seems to be going on just below the surface in America's "black churches". Can it really be as bad as Obama's moronic rant would indicate? As bad as Pastor Wright? And Obama seems to be missing this point. If he thinks he's gonna get elected with a whack-job like that for a pastor, he's still on the coke.
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