Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tiger Woods beats Obama

I thought this was great from Paul Burka in Texas Monthly.

"He just triple bogeyed the presidency. He's done. He was done the day he first heard Wright's outbursts and didn't resign from the congregation. There is no way that the superdelegates will send him out as the Democratic nominee now. The truth is, Obama did fine until the Clinton campaign began to attack him, and then he showed that he just wasn't up to it. Better we find out now than later."

Just wait and see what happens if Obama wins the popular vote and the elected delegate count on the road to the nomination...and the Superdelegates give the nomination to Hillary. We'll have to wipe the blood off the streets in Denver and Chicago. And if you think Pastor Wright has caused racial tensions, just wait for the smoke-filled back room delegates to give the nomination to Hillary.

At least it will be the Democrats that steal the nomination from Obama.

Picture from Flikr. H/T BurkaBlog

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