Monday, December 21, 2009

Liberal Fascism, Example 3,235,682

Got this letter from Wisconsin Electric, now called WE Energies.

(Click on the image above for a larger view.)

Why on earth would anyone give up the control of their home for $12?

The dummies at WE Energies obviously don't have any conservative economists on staff. If they want to reduce demand at certain times, RAISE THE PRICE. If they have slack periods, LOWER THE PRICE. But of course the Wisconsin Public Utilities Commission (or whatever they're called -- hey, I'm from Texas, remember) won't let them vary prices by time of day or type of demand. If you think Obama/Pelosi/Harry Reid are wackos, all you have to do is visit the Wisconsin legislature. I only know one WI lawmaker personally, and he's a smart and decent man. I wish they all had half of his common sense.

The others? All commies, er, sorry, fascists.

If you don't get the reference in the title, click here.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tiger's Shattered Dreams? Hardly

My friend LocutisPrime has written a very thoughtful and even alarming post about Tiger's state of mind. Specifically, he states that he regretfully feels that we'll see Tiger dead within a year, probably by his own hand, if not from a downward spiral of drugs and/or alcohol (we'll leave AIDS or other STD's aside for the moment). I respectfully disagree.

It has come to light that Tiger has been carrying on multiple affairs while married. Some of these women say they've been involved with Tiger since before he was married. I have simply the opposite opinion of my friend LocutisPrime. I think that Tiger never took his marriage vows seriously in the first place, and he's not really worried about the end of his marriage. He's simply plotting his come-back to the tour. He might be worried about his kids...but I somehow doubt that, as little regard he's paid to the risks of his behavior.

Look: Tiger may be the greatest golfer of all time. He can come back on tour, win tourneys and keep making big bucks. So what if he loses a few sponsors? He's worth $1 billion, according to Forbes. Even if he loses $300 million to Elin, he can still use simply the interest on his $700 million to fly around on private jets and pay $15,000 per night for hookers, er, escorts. If he were a single man, all other men would be jealous.

Think of what's going to happen at golf tourneys that he attends. When I go to the Byron Nelson, my wife's going to tell me "I had better not see you on TV applauding for Tiger". And countless wives around the world will watch the TV on Sunday afternoons more carefully, making sure that hubbies are rooting for Phil or even John Daly instead of Tiger. Maybe the next time he's walking up the 18th fairway toward the green, all the fans will simply turn their backs on him and remain silent. That would be a "golf highlight".

I find it preposterous to think that we let a dog-killing torturer back into the NFL and cheer him on, but we won't welcome Tiger back onto the PGA tour. I call B.S. on that one.

At the end of the day, Tiger will take his lumps, write a check to Elin, and play golf. What happens when he breaks the all-time records of wins in major tourneys? Or when he wins a few Grand-Slams? We'll be there, cheering on his ability, not his judgment. I don't agree with what he does with his putter off of the course, but I sure respect it on the course.

I'll be cheering for someone else, but I also think that Tiger should be allowed to play. After all, it's not like he bet on baseball games or anything. He'll check himself into sex and drug rehab, and come out a changed man. Even Rush can come back from drug abuse!

So, respectfully, I don't buy that he's on a downward spiral. He's got a billion to keep him afloat until he spins his way back onto the tour. I just don't think he cares that much for women's feelings. Hell, he bought and paid for those women - he thinks of them as so much merchandise in Macy's windows - so he has as low an opinion of them as they do of themselves for selling out their bodies. Why should he be worried if he's hurt another one? It's the kids that are going to suffer.

Perhaps a golfing divorce court judge will rule that 50% of his future winnings go to his that would get us all cheering him on again.

Me? I'll be cheering for Lefty...

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Tears, Thanks, and Common Sense

If this doesn't move you to tears, move to Russia.

This picture moves me to say:

1. Thank God for men and women who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.
2. I want no more of these deaths.
3. We must protect ourselves from terrorists and other enemies, so what I want in #2 isn't always do-able.
4. Kill our enemies, as fast as possible.
5. Protect our troops by giving them reasonable and flexible ROE's.
6. Miranda rights: In Texas? Yes. California:? Yes. in Iraq? pffftt. Lead poisoning.
7. When in doubt, default to #4.

I live in a small town (19,000) and we have had one death from the GWOT. We honor him each Memorial Day and each Veteran's Day, plus we have a permanent reminder of his sacrifice in our town.

My father-in-law served in WWII, and he's buried at Ft Custer National Cemetery in Kalamazoo, MI.

My dad served in the Air Force.

We SHOULD NEVER criticize where they served or the causes they fought for. They went there under lawful orders from their commanders. Neither should we criticize our brave fighters who sacrifice all in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all across the globe.

Obama, damnit, get in the fight to win, kick our enemies' asses, and then bring our bravest home to a hero's welcome.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bring 'em to the New World from GITMO

I personally know 1 LTC, 2 MAJ, 2 CPT, and a Coastie NCO who will sign up for this:

My wife said today (after screaming at Judge Napolitano on the radio): bring these terrorist bastards from GITMO to South Texas, not Manhattan. We'll give 'em a bottle of water and a pistol. Since they were originally captured as enemy combatants, we'll put 'em back on the ground illegally. Then we'll have my force (see above) drop them off near Devine, TX. My guys will then hunt them down and kill them.

Just in case any get away (no insult intended to my Ranger friends), we'll auction off Enemy Terrorist Hunting (ETH) Stamps to Texas hunters. What do you want to bet we'll get millions for the ETH Stamps and have a bunch of dissapointed Texas hunters? CPT Chuck and COB6 lead the way!

Problem solved...oh, and just for sport, do it at night, and film it with gun cameras. I know a Texan or two who likes night hunting (kinda like snipe hunting, but different).

Me? I'll be drinking beer, waiting in Dilley, where my old pal Chuck Dixon and I used to go deer hunting. I'll verify the tags on the bodies. Then we take them out into the sand hills and let the animals have em. Might even get a good 12-pointer while we're waiting.

Dove hunting, deer hunting, and terrorist hunting. I love the smell of cordite in the morning...

Who's with me?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Star Spangled Banner

Even CPT Chuck will shed a tear on this one...

H/T Our Local Chief of Detectives Paul

Polish Air Force Veterans Association WWII

THE BOSS and I are over in Detroit for a few days. I wandered into the American Polish Cultural Club in Troy to grab some take-out pirogis.

Imagine my surprise when I spied a plaque commemorating the Polish Air Force members from WWII! What a great memorial!

Here are two pics...the letters were too small for one.

The Greatest Generation indeed -- including our staunch allies, the Poles.

P.S. THE BOSS' great-parents were Polish - Stupinski.

PPS. Notice that it's not the "Polish-American Cultural Club". I overheard folks talking about the fact that they use this hall to administer the oath of citizenship to Poles who become American citizens.

So if you're ever in Detroit, go by there and pay your respects. These are the types of immigrants we welcome with open arms...hard-working folks who appreciate what American citizenship offers them. And there are no people more proud of becoming American citizens than these Poles (with complete respect to my Italian-American Club friends, who appreciate it just as much).

American Polish Cultural Center
2975 E Maple Rd
Troy, MI 48083

Are You Smarter than a 4-Star?

Freaking Obama.

Pull your head out and go "all in".

H/T Dr. Sanity

Saturday, November 14, 2009


We kicked Japan's ass in WWII, after they sneak-attacked us. Then we rebuilt their country from the ground up. They are now one of our closest allies.

I'm all for showing respect to our friends. But the Emperor should be shining BHO's shoes.

I am sick of this P.O.S. and his Apology Tour.

Picture Credit: Reuters


Sunday, November 08, 2009

A Tribute

Which, unfortunately, falls on the day we had a Veteran's Day ceremony in our town.

There are no words that are appropriate other than "Godspeed, and thank you".

H/T Shout First, Ask Questions Later

A Special Thanks to our Veterans

Today was our annual Veteran's Day memorial service. We had a young man from our town killed in Iraq 2 years this hits close to home. His parents attend each year.

A far cry from last year, when it was 20 degrees with a minus 20 wind chill. Today was 68 degrees and sunny.

We dedicated a special memorial to our Korean War Veterans. (Picture to come to you, CPT Chuck.)

God bless our troops, and may God bless those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

A New Reason for Term Limits

(Picture from AP)
Rep. Ahn "Joseph" Cao, from Louisiana, was the only Republican who voted for Obamacare. His reasoning for voting as he did is all you need to read in order to convince yourself to support term limits for elected officials:

According to The Times-Picayune, he said over the summer that "voting against the health care bill will probably be the death of my political career."

With the "yes" vote, Cao may give himself a fighting chance.
So let me get this right...he figured that if he voted his conscience, and with his party and his convictions, that he would lose re-election and his "political career" would be over.

News flash, asshole: If you were true to yourself and your convictions, you would have voted "no" and taken the consequences. But since all you were worried about was your "career" in elected office, sucking on the public teat, you voted selfishly.

This is EXACTLY the reason we need term limits. Whatever happened to citizens who wanted to serve their neighbors for a term or two, then return to their hometown and go back to their old job?

This prick should be run outta town on a rail. Wait, they don't have rails in Louisiana. Never mind.

The people of New Orleans deserve this dumb-ass...or would you rather have the boob that took bribes?

H/T Fox News

Hope and Change... us crap and tax. Plus this...

H/T Exurban League

Friday, November 06, 2009

B-Rod, you ignorant libtard

For my regular readers, please pardon this aside. There's a dumb-ass from the Brian and the Judge website -- goes by the name of "B-Rod"...and since I can't cuss him out over at B&J, thought I'd bring him over here and give him a whippin'. Cover your ears...I'm gonna cuss and break out a can of whoop-ass.

Those of you from Brian and the Judge -- welcome! Now, on with the show.

B-Rod, you are one ignorant m-fer. This piece of shit Major shot folks in cold blood, and we have eye-witnesses who saw it. We even have cops who bravely stood up to him and shot his ass. Deborah says "hang him" and I agree. You don't want to convict him in the court of public's unfair.

Well, boo-fucking-hoo for Major Im-an-Islamic-Dickwad. We should string his ass up from the closest tree...tomorrow. He's a goddam terrorist and deserves no rights -- actually, I take that back. He deserves the same rights he gave to those he killed. I don't want to hear jack-shit, 'specially from your dumb-ass, about how this poor doctor was harassed for being a Muslim. I repeat -- he's a goddamn terrorist and he should be treated as lower than whale-shit.

As for you...I'm about fed up with your pansy-assed liberal bullshit. It's liberals like you who are ruining this country. You probably don't believe in Christmas Trees, puppies, and in the hope of little kids. You can kiss my fat white ass.

We now return you to our regular programming. Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Sunday, November 01, 2009

No Bailout for the US Postal Service

Let's try to get out ahead of the looming cash shortage and potential bailout that the Postal Service is going have. Here is a good story about the USPS from The Business Insider:

Here are my suggestions for the tough, elective, outpatient surgery that we can have now versus the radical emergency surgery we'll need later...and may not survive.

1. Cut out Saturday delivery.
2. Charge for -- yes, CHARGE EXTRA -- for home delivery.
3. Set up a box for every address and sort the mail into this box. Then have the customers come in and pick up their own mail. If they want it delivered...charge extra!
4. Allow competitors to step in and offer mail delivery for a charge. I might start a company that delivers mail to my 5 neighbors in my cul-de-sac. Since I'll pick up mail every day, I might charge my neighbors a dime a day each to bring their mail home to them.
5. Sell off all of those mail trucks.
6. Charge 50c for a stamp.
7. Offer a cattle prod zap for any snarky behavior by Postal Service Employees. (OK, that's a joke...I don't want a Postal Inspector at my house. I'm kidding...really.)

Come on, folks...with email and online bill pay, how many stamps have you used in the last year? We used to do our bills twice a month, and we'd sit down at the kitchen table and write checks, then put a stamp on each bill. Now? I mail no - none, nada, zilch - bills each month. I pay all but 2 bills online. Those last two are my garbage bill and my truck payment. I pay those in person, as I go to the city hall a couple of times a month, and drive by the bank every day.

I know a lot of folks (many elderly) who wait each day for the mailman (can we still use that instead of "letter carrier"?). Sorry, folks, let's move on into the 21st century.


H/T The Business Insider and photo from USPS website

Why Democrats will Lose Big in 2010

I got this in email today...I subscribe to it so that I know what the (philosophical) other side is up to...

Late yesterday news broke that the moderate Republican Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava, candidate in the hard-fought special election in New York's 23rd Congressional district, had been driven out and the Republican party was throwing their weight behind the Palin/Limbaugh/Glen Beck endorsed radical tea party candidate instead.

Today, the moderate Republican threw her support behind our proud Democratic candidate Bill Owens.

It has never been clearer that the Republican Party has been hijacked by extreme right wing ideologues with a radical agenda that would effectively dismantle Social Security and Medicare, and are out of step with a vast majority of Americans.

Eight extreme right wing groups spent more than $1 million on this campaign including the Minute Men, Club for Growth and the Family Research Council.

This means your work and your continued support and dedication have never been more critical as we face our one-year-out reporting deadline and this election on Tuesday.

We are up against a well-funded extremist GOP who will stop at nothing to win and whose agenda could quite literally take us backwards to the days of Bush-Cheney.

But, you and I can't let that happen. I will continue to keep you posted on news of this race continues and thank you again for standing with us. We will need you now more than ever.


Jon Vogel
DCCC Executive Director
Now, there is so much wrong with this that I almost don't know where to start. But I do...

First, the general tone of insulting those who are not Democrats is...unseemly. I have friends with whom I disagree about many things...abortion, Obama, Crap and Tax, Health Care Destruction, etc. I don't insult my friends...I just disagree with them. Why does the DCCC think that insulting the "other side" is a winning approach?

Second, the Bush-Cheney bashing is really getting tiresome. Either Obama has his own policy or he's lost...but knock off the Bush-bashing.

Third, "Palin/Limbaugh/Glen Beck endorsed radical tea party candidate" is supposed to be an insult. It's not...I think it's a great description of my beliefs...if only they could spell "Glenn" correctly. You'd think if Glenn Beck was such a threat to life and liberty that they'd know how to spell his name. But...

Fourth...NOOOO...they are too busy labeling us as "extreme right wing ideologues with a radical agenda that would effectively dismantle Social Security and Medicare". Huh...I thought that's what Pelosi and Reid were doing...dismantling SS and Medicare. But what do I know? I just read the freaking bill...

I got another of these last week from my buddy James Carville. I think Carville is entertaining, but I certainly wouldn't buy a used car (or candidate) from the guy.

I think the DCCC is symptom of the bigger problem. And Tuesday will tell us all what 2010 is going to look like.

H/T DCCC (credit where credit is due)

They Shoot Horses(asses), Don't They?

Why is this woman smiling?

It's pretty sad, actually. I hope she's kicked out of the GOP. Who, you ask? Dede Scuzzy...
"Please join me in voting for [DEMOCRAT] Bill Owens on Tuesday. To address the tough challenges ahead, we must rise above partisanship and politics and work together. There's too much at stake in this election to do otherwise." don't endorse the other party's candidate. For crying out loud.

Thank goodness for Hoffman.

H/T NY Daily News

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wasted...a Perfect Chance to Whack More Islamic Troublemakers

Hundreds Turn Out for Funeral of Imam Killed During FBI Raid

Saturday, October 31, 2009

DETROIT — Hundreds of people offered hushed prayers Saturday at the funeral for a slain Detroit mosque leader while authorities across the border in Canada made the final two arrests in a criminal case that is stirring some anger in the Muslim community.

We couldn't just set off an IED, as they do to our troops in AFG and Iraq?


Monday, October 19, 2009

The NEW Health Care Bill

Here's the new bill from Max Baucus. It's 1,502 pages long. That's not a misprint.

How long will they give themselves to read it?



Sunday, October 18, 2009

More Tax Dollars at Work

I feel sorry for highway flagmen. Even though they perform a needed job, the fact that they just stand around gives the impression that they're not doing anything. I know -- it's not right, but that's the way it is.

On the other hand, when my tax dollars are used to wipe out terrorists...I love it.

As Zip says on the original page, this is an epic flying jihadi brother...

Wait till the end...

H/T Weazel Zippers

Friday, October 16, 2009

With Big, Pointy Teeth...

TIM: Well, It's got huge ... very sharp ... it can jump a... look at the bones.

ARTHUR: Go on, Bors, chop its head off.

BORS: Right. Silly little bleeder. One rabbit stew coming up.

This is what the left gives us for "clean" energy.

Heating plant in Sweden burning rabbits killed in city parks to warm homes

Thousands of rabbits taken from Stockholm parks are being used to fuel a heating plant in Sweden, London's Daily Telegraph reported - and animal rights’ activists are hopping mad.

The frozen bunny corpses are transported to a heating plant in central Sweden, where they're incinerated to heat homes.

Couldn't we at least have a nice sauce? Or a shrubbery?

God help us.

H/T Suitably Flip and Matt's Monty Python Repository for the pic

Keeping Abreast of the Threats of Sharia Law

Mark Steyn has a story over on NRO about this DailyMail story:
A hardline Islamist group in Somalia has begun publicly whipping women for wearing bras that they claim violate Islam as they are 'deceptive'.

The insurgent group Al Shabaab has sent gunmen into the streets of Mogadishu to round up any women who appear to have a firm bust, residents claimed yesterday.

The women are then inspected to see if the firmness is natural, or if it is the result of wearing a bra. If they are found wearing a bra, they are ordered to remove it and shake their breasts, residents said...

'Al Shabaab forced us to wear their type of full veil and now they order us to shake our breasts,' a resident, Halima, told Reuters, adding that her daughters had been whipped on Thursday.

'They are now saying that breasts should be firm naturally, or just flat.'
Brilliant!!! Where were these guys when I was in high school? They could have enlisted every football player to accept sharia if we could have been empowered to say to our girlfriends, "Trust me honey. I just have to take a peek to make sure you don't have a bra on. Ok, now shake em."

I dated the daughter of a pro football assistant coach when we were in high school. He actually liked me...but what do you think would have been his reaction if he knew that I'd be, ah, "inspecting" his daughter's breasts? I suspect the defensive line would have pounded me into mush.

You just can't make this stuff up.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

A GM ad we hope we don't see

Welcome CDR Salamander'll understand.

H/T CDR Salamander

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Now THIS is What My Tax Dollars are FOR

By God, I think I'll "forget" a deduction this year.

This is how I want my tax dollars used. Blow these bastards to their virgins.

H/T Apache Clips

Great Comic

H/T Brutally Honest

More Spending, Less Work

Here's a great (well, informative anyway) chart regarding the coincidence of Obama deficit spending and the unemployment rate. Now, as we all know, just because 2 sets of data move together does not mean they affect each other. Just because temperatures go down at night when the sun goes down does not mean that the temperature reduction causes darkness. I should know about this...I was an economics major in college. Ahem. So here's the chart:

What do you think? Me? Well, I think that tax cuts for businesses and individuals would raise employment (if your company's taxes went down, you'd have more money to hire a few more workers). You wouldn't think that last statement was controversial. (Would you?) But liberals have labeled it "trickle-down economics" and say it doesn't work.

It does work. I'll tell you one thing...those lines in the chart above should scare the crap outta Democrats who are thinking about another "stimulus" plan. How does that first stimulus look like it's working for ya?

And just who is going to pay off those deficits? (Hint: Inflation)

H/T The American (Journal of the American Enterprise Institute)

Monday, October 05, 2009

Screw Apple -- and Nike, PG&E and Exelon

Honestly, I don't have a problem if someone is stupid enough to believe in global warming. I mean, we don't put folks in jail for believing in UFO's or the Loch Ness Monster or...whatever.

But for a company -- a company -- to come out in favor of a tax increase and a change (not for the good) in the living standards of Americans...well, that's un-American. These guys can kiss my fat rear end. I guarantee you one thing - they'll never get another dollar from me.

In a letter to Thomas J. Donohue, president and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, Apple’s vice president of worldwide government affairs, Catherine Novelli said: “Apple supports regulating greenhouse gas emissions (emphasis mine), and it is frustrating to find the Chamber at odds with us in this effort.”

Novelli is referring to the Chamber’s recent opposition to the Waxman-Markey bill, a resolution “to create clean energy jobs, achieve energy independence, reduce global warming pollution and transition to a clean energy economy.”

The Washington Post says that the Chamber has become one of the biggest opponents of emissions-reducing legislation. Donohue issued a statement last week about the bill, saying: “It is neither comprehensive nor international” and it “would almost certainly spur retaliation from global trading partners.”

Apple subsequently resigned from the Chamber, “effective immediately.” Three other companies have left the Chamber because of its position on climate policy; Pacific Gas and Electric, PNM Resources, and Exelon. Nike also relinquished its position on the board, but not its membership.
Nike? Nike? FFS people. Just make the damn shoes...we'll decide who to run over with them.

Swoosh this, Phil.

H/T App Advice

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Obama Bans Texting While Driving for Gov't Employees

I know...why doesn't he just ban nuclear weapons?Click Here

Obama Bans Government Employees From Driving While Texting

An executive order from President Obama bans all government employees—including soldiers and postal workers—from texting while driving if they're working, driving one of Uncle Sam's cars or using one of his cellphones. Meaning we're all next.

From my cold, dead hands, chump.

H/T Gizmodo

Obama Fails Chicago -- and the Country

Here's what CNN says about failing to get the Olympics in Chicago (emphasis mine):

"Although the White House says the trip was the right thing to do, some Republicans say it will have some consequences for the president...White House senior adviser David Axelrod said that although the results were "disappointing," Obama did the best he could."

Here's my comment: CNN says (above) that "some Republicans say...". How about the entire country says "Obama is a freaking idiot, and he wasted how much money on this trip?" Seriously, how much did it cost? What was the carbon footprint?

And freaking Jessie Jackson wants to know what happened. Dirtbag.

Kiss my ass, President Obama. Support the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Thursday, October 01, 2009


About to participate in a 30th anniversary golf tourney. A bunch of us from college are getting together in Central Texas to drink, play golf, drink, tell old stories, and drink. Oh yeah...steaks, too. Our poor wives are joining us. They'll be sorry.

I'll post some pictures and a few stories (with the names changed to protect the guilty) through the weekend.

Toad, Tutti, god, Dad, Prez, Dewey...I don't even have to make up names...those were our nicknames.

We're only missing Mouth and The Horn...but that's a whole 'nuther story.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sarah 2012

I like Sarah Palin. For many reasons.

I like this look. It's one that she could shoot at Imadinnerjacket and he'd piss his pants.

That's a serious Presidential Look, right there.
And she's a Blue Star Mom. There's no topping that.

Now, would you be scared if Obama looked at you? In any way?

H/T American Power

How to Get out of Iraq and Afghanistan

I like it...

H/T American Digest

Debra Winger -- Wingnut

Must have had a's the only thing that would explain it.

Are you freaking kidding me? What if her daughter had been raped and sodomized? Would she forget it?

If that was my daughter, they would just need to leave me alone with him for 15 seconds.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Tax is a TAX, you moron

I have given up on being respectful to Obama. He's a moron. Worse...he thinks you and I are morons.

It's a TAX, stupid!

H/T Hot Air and RNC

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Terrorist in Dallas - and What to Do

I was traveling to Detroit on business this week when the plots were announced. The wife and I drove down to Dallas yesterday from Wisconsin. On our drive, we discussed these terrorist plots recently uncovered, especially the Dallas bomb plot. You see, our son regularly works in the building that was targeted. As soon as she heard about the plot, she called him to make sure he knew.

Now, the folks in Dallas seem be shrugging the entire thing off. At it's heart, I think it's because Texans have a healthy faith in law enforcement. We respect cops and what they do, and we support the FBI and CIA as they try to root out nutjobs like this. We don't really worry too much about our rights getting trampled on. As long as the FBI stops this kind of thing, I'm not going to complain if Dallas Police have a roadblock and want to look in the back of my Suburban before they let me into the parking garage.

But what do we do with this punk?

I'll tell you the first thing we should do: Give him a good beating. Look, the FBI stung this guy. We have the evidence on him, and they actually waited to arrest him until after he tried to blow up what he thought was a bomb. So don't give me any crap about "innocent until proven guilty". He proved himself guilty as soon as he used that cellphone to try to bring down that building.

So here's my prescription for this POS:

1. Waterboard him. I'll supply the water, the board, and the tape recorder. Find out as much as we can about him and who he worked with, as fast as we can, using any means possible. I don't give a good g-damn if we hurt his feelings. Thinking about my son dying in that building if that bomb had gone off gives me all the incentive I need to ignore this SOB's rights. He gave up any rights he had once he started this plot.

2 Shoot him full of drugs. Give him whatever truth drugs are needed to get him to spill. Ruin his brain -- turn it to mush.

3. Once he's done giving us whatever he knows, don't send him to Gitmo. Send him to the Dallas Gun Club. Give good Texans the right to take out our frustrations on this weasel. I want to beat the crap out of him, then shoot him. Happy to do it. No second thoughts, no guilt, no regrets. I will be happy to personally put a bullet in this guy's brain.

I'll tell you something else. Texans are proud...we are proud of Texas and of the United States. We want the FBI protecting us against this kind of plot, and we really want our military along the border with Mexico to close it off (assuming we're not going to build a fence). But if one of these morons gets through, and we find out that the FBI was stringing him along, we'll secede from the union and shoot all Muslims on sight. You mark my words.

I speak for all Dallas natives. If you moved here from NY or Boston or LA...stay out of it.

This is personal.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mr. President -- Pull up your Socks

For crying out loud...doesn't he have any more class than this?
Dumb question.

I guess we should be thankful he doesn't wear sleeveless...oh, never mind.

Can we Just Shoot Down Brzezinski's Plane?

Are you freaking kidding me? Brzezinski was interviewed by The Daily Beast (whatever that is) and was reported in The Weekly Standard. He said what?

DB: How aggressive can Obama be in insisting to the Israelis that a military strike might be in America’s worst interest?

Brzezinski: We are not exactly impotent little babies. They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch?

DB: What if they fly over anyway?

Brzezinski: Well, we have to be serious about denying them that right. That means a denial where you aren’t just saying it. If they fly over, you go up and confront them. They have the choice of turning back or not. No one wishes for this but it could be a Liberty in reverse.

My dad was an Air Force pilot. Here he is in 1957.

He's no longer around for me to ask him, but I can tell you what he'd do if given the lawful(?) order to shoot down an Israeli F-16. Might go something like this:
Controller: Payday 21, bandit is at your 12 o'clock high, 50 miles, IFF indicates Israeli F-16. Consider hostile; repeat: consider hostile.

Payday 21: Right...what's that pesky Jooo gonna do, raise the interest rate on my mortgage?

Controller: Payday 21, you are cleared missiles hot.

Payday 21: OK, what's up? Is there an Iranian bandit on his tail that you want me to shoot down? 'Cause I can do that, you know.

Controller: Ah, negative Payday 21. Your target is Israeli F-16.

Payday 21: Oh, I see. I get to be an ace today, is that it? Shoot down an Israeli F-16, a Saudi F-15, then a German Typhoon , a French Mirage F-1, then top it off with a British Tornado? Cool. Then afterwards you'll hold the court-martial on the airfield as soon as I land, right?

Controller: Payday 21, knock it off. Your target is Israeli F-16; you are ordered to engage and shoot down. Acknowledge.

Payday 21: Are you freaking kidding me?

Controller: Negative, Payday 21. Repeat: You are ordered to shoot down Israeli F-16. Acknowledge.

Payday 21: In your dreams, pal.

Controller: Payday 21, that's a DIRECT ORDER!

Payday 21: Give your order to the girl at McDonalds. I'm RTB. You come fly this puppy and shoot down one of our allies!!!
He'd then land at the closest friendly airfield, resign his commission, and come home. No one would dare arrest him.

Brzezinski: now there's a plane he'd shoot down.

H/T The Weekly Standard

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hole in One

Unfortunately, not mine...he made $1 million on this shot.

One day...

H/T Shout First, Ask Questions Later

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lies and the Lying Liars...uh, Never Mind.

I think that one of the main reasons that so many on the left and right are against the President's health care proposal (well, technically, it's Congress' bill, but Obama says it's his, so whatever) is that Obama keeps making preposterous claims about his plan. These claims are just so stupid that we all recognize b.s. when we hear it. And we're not buying it.

Take the fervor over Rep Joe Wilson's outburst ("You Lie!"). Obama continues his idiotic claim (yep, his lie) that under his plan, illegal aliens will not be covered or be able to get free health care. THIS STATEMENT IS A LIE! The current bill in Congress does specifically say that illegals are not covered. BUT -- there are no provisions in the bill that require health care providers to establish whether or not the person claiming benefits is legally entitled to them. So even though the left points out there is wording in the bill denying coverage to illegals, it's a hollow requirement.

We have E-Verify for employers to verify that potential workers are here legally. Why not add a provision that says folks must prove that they are legal residents or legal aliens to get insurance coverage from (ugh) the government?

Look -- we have laws that say the drinking age is 21. And we have laws that say the bar or the liquor store must check an ID card to make sure the drinker is of legal age. What's so freaking hard about requiring proof of citizenship or legal residency status?

I'll tell you what's so hard -- the hard left doesn't want it! They want to give universal health care to all who have the matter how they got into this country. I call "bullshit" on this. Prove you're legal, and get coverage.

We can offer health care to the 10 million or so who can't afford it without screwing up the system for the rest of us.

My advice to Congress: Get it done the simple way -- or you're going to find yourself out on your backsides come 2010.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Freedom in Action - Compare to Terrorists

I like the Weasel Zippers website. Great stuff over there. I was reading this blog post tonight after I wrote my own blog post earlier. What struck me was this: Look at the face of freedom in the United States. I mean that literally...look at the faces of all of those folks who protested in DC:

Then check out the faces of the Muslim terrorist sympathisers in Harrow (UK).

Notice anything different about these two groups? Take your time.

Do you see anyone in DC who is trying to cover their face with a scarf?

For all of the idiocy of Obama and his cronies, we still have rights in this country. That includes the right to peaceably assemble and express our opinions without fear of the government arresting us or torturing us. I'm not saying that the UK government would arrest or torture these Islamic wackos. These protesters fear their own kind -- sharia-loving morons who will kill them if they express support for the west, say, or they worry about being identified and investigated (rightly) by the police and MI-5 if they show their faces during pro-Islamic violence rallies.

Anyway, we're free to scream at our government without fear of reprisal. Most of the world does not enjoy the freedoms that we take for granted. This is why you should always thank a soldier in the airport.

Think about these pictures and your freedoms the next time a lefty weirdo neighbor tells you Bush = Hitler or Cheney believes in torture.

H/T Weasel Zippers and The Corner